
Top 6 Tips to Prevent Health Problems in Dogs


Prevention and healthy habits are the best way you can keep your dog from becoming ill. Often, the advice we hear just seems like common sense, but there are a lot of people and dogs that definitely aren’t in optimal health. Doing your best to avoid these common health issues in dogs could save your Fido’s life in the long run.

Here are top 6 tips to help any dog feel happier and healthier:

6. Watch For Behavior Issues

Top 6 Tips to Prevent Health Problems in Dogs

When dogs are sick they’ll often start behaving oddly. They might start leaving food, going potty more often, or getting tired out when you go for walks. If you take notice of their behavior and get them to a vet right away, it’ll be easier to treat than it will if you don’t address the issue promptly. There are all sorts of ways that your dog’s behavior might change, not just eating habits. If she starts to do anything differently than her normal routines and behaviors, that’s a sign that a visit to your vet is in order.

5. Get your dog spayed or neutered

Top 6 Tips to Prevent Health Problems in Dogs

According to Banfield Pet Hospital’s state pet health report, getting your dog fixed not only prevents unwanted pregnancy, but your pet will live longer too.
The research shows that on average, fixing your dog extends their life by 18 percent for males and 23 percent for females. To learn about the pros and cons of neutering and spaying dogs, and then decide if you should proceed with this ASAP.

4. Weekly Health Checks

Top 6 Tips to Prevent Health Problems in Dogs

One of the best ways to prevent health issues is to check up on your dog weekly. First, inspect your dog’s coat and skin for swelling, flakes or scabs. Then look into your dog’s ears and eyes for any signs of redness or discharge. Finally, watch for any changes in eating or drinking habits. If anything differs from what’s normal for your dog, consult your vet.

3. Watch Your Dog’s Weight

Top 6 Tips to Prevent Health Problems in Dogs

Obesity is one of the leading causes of health problems in people and it’s no different in dogs. Check with your vet to find out what to feed your dog, as well as how much. Lack of exercise is also a big factor in weight gain. However, if you’re doing everything right and your dog is still gaining weight, that’s a sign that may be a bigger problem going on, so schedule an appointment with your vet right away.

2. Vaccinate

Top 6 Tips to Prevent Health Problems in Dogs

By three months of age, the protective antibodies naturally passed along through a mother’s milk have been used up and your puppy needs to be vaccinated to help protect him or her against many common infectious diseases, including leptospirosis, distemper, and parvovirus, as well as a rabies vaccination. Your vet may also recommend vaccinations for a kennel cough and Lyme disease. Vaccinations will save your dog’s life.

1. Make Sure Your Dog Drinks Enough Water

Top 6 Tips to Prevent Health Problems in Dogs

Just like you, your dog is going to run into trouble if they aren’t drinking enough water every day. As dogs get older, they tend to drink less water, so you need to keep a close eye on it. Always put out fresh water in places that are easy to access and monitor the water level so you know how much your mutt is drinking. It’s also a good idea to take water with you on walks. Take extra care to make sure they’re drinking in the summer because they’ll get quickly dehydrated. Do you know how much water your dog needs to drink each day?
