


Puppies are so cute to look at, you might just want to cuddle with them. Initially, many puppies are a little shy, to begin with. To adjust to a new life and a lifestyle is a task for them and they need to be given their space for this. They require a lot of care and patience to be dealt with in the initial of the times. Dog-parents, especially the new ones who have adopted this may not be easy. Bringing home a new puppy, makes a lot of things change; both for your family and your new pet. dog care knowledge

We bring to you some puppy care tips for your addition so they have an easier time adapting and settling into their new home. emotional support dog

10. Pick a healthy puppy

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Take in mind, you should pick puppies from 2 to 2.5 months old or older, it will guarantee the minimum physical health of puppies. For the best result, you should be picked puppies from the owner’s house with the mother dog or import directly from the source with a clear background. There will be healthy, active puppies with “Health Certification”, vaccination stamps with a clear date.

9. Sleeping with your puppy

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A new puppy is going to get restless and give you a hard time when it is time to lay and sleep. These are extremely sensitive entities and need to be loved and cuddled to sleep. They have a habit of being held and cuddled to sleep, among their siblings and their like. When you have recently adopted a pup, try to sleep with them nearby for a few days until they get accustomed to the new environment. This may be in a crate in the same room as you. Make a sleeping schedule for your pet; it will also help him train well. emotional support dog

8. Feeding your puppy

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When you bring a new puppy home, a lot will change for them. and that includes his diet. Before completely changing the diet of your new pet, give them the food they have eaten for so far and gradually mix the new pet-food so they adjust to the change well. Start with 10% of the new food and increase a little each day until they are eating 100% of the new food. Make sure they eat well. They will need to be fed every 4-6 hours.

7. Eating habits

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Many pups do not like to eat in solitude. They enjoy having their meals with their puppy-friends. Do not leave your new family member all alone and eat alone. This may cause them to feel a little unsure. So eat with them. Share your meal-time together. It will make him more comfortable and make them adjust well to everything.

6. Protective care

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It’s the canine nature to be extensively inquisitive about their environments and things around them. Keep harmful, sharp, and objects that can be broken, away from immediate surroundings so that your puppy does not end up hurting themselves. Also, this will provide them with all the space in the house to play around.

5. Harmful foods

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Do your homework before you decide to become a dog-parent. There are a few foods that almost all dogs are allergic to and can even prove to be fatal for them. These include sugar, coffee, tea, alcohol, onions, garlic, raisins, grapes, nuts.

4. Good food

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Make sure that the food you give to your new pet dog is of good quality, standard, wholesome and meets the requirements of the growing dog. Make sure the food is nutritious and balanced with all the nutrients in it. Plan a meal schedule consulting with your Vet according to the age and size of your puppy.

3. Vaccination

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Make sure you get your new puppy all the preventive shots so he does not succumb to diseases. Also, keep a calendar handy to mark what day you have to go to the Vets to get the next shot for your puppy.

2. Fun times

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Make sure your pup gets enough time to be sociable and make new friends. Plan play-dates with your friend’s dogs, go out on picnics on weekends and take them for long walks that relaxes them. Do something fun with them like play ball, go to the beach, etc.

1. Illnesses

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Keep a close watch on your new pet dog for a couple of days. They can fall sick very easily. Diarrhea, lethargy, start losing or gaining weight drastically, lost appetite, etc. As soon as you witness such symptoms, take your dog to your Vet for a check-up.
