Teaching a dog not to bark is difficult because we humans are not very consistent with our feedback. Sometimes we reward our dogs for barking. Sometimes we ignore their barking. And sometimes we get really mad about the barking! How are our dogs going to know what we want? Here are Our top 5 must-know tactics to Change your dog’s barking behavior: stop dog barking in car
#5— Offer the dog an appropriate alternative
You probably know you don’t want your dog to bark at the door. But what do you want him to do instead? Lie quietly on his bed? Follow you to the door without barking? Teach your dog an appropriate behavior, and reward him for it. This means starting with small challenges and slow progressing. For example, if your dog goes nuts when someone rings the doorbell, you will want to practice ringing the bell several times per day with a friend or family member. At the sound of the bell, direct your dog to his bed and reward him with something awesome. (Bacon, perhaps?).
#4— Offer distractions
Bored dogs will be less inclined to bark if they are given plenty of toys to play with. If your dog is barking due to outside noises, playing the TV or radio while you’re away can drown out those sounds. A TV or radio also can help soothe separation anxiety.
#3— Prevention
Dog owners seem to underestimate the power of preventing bad habits in the first place. You can prevent your dog from barking in the yard by limiting his freedom while in the yard. Rather than letting him run loose, take him out on a leash so you can correct him if necessary. Or, if you know he is likely to bark at the approaching neighbor dog, quickly step in front of your dog to re-direct his attention to you. Ask him to sit, and then reward him with pieces of hamburger or a game of tug. stop dog barking in car
#2— Reward your dog for being quiet
If a dog walks by and your dog miraculously remains quiet, tell him what a good boy he is! If the mail carrier arrives, and your dog runs to his bed as rehearsed, treat him like he just won the lottery!
#1— Make sure your dog is not rewarded for barking
Sometimes we unintentionally reward our dogs for barking in an attempt to get them to be quiet. If your dog barks for attention, make sure you do not pay attention to him until he is quiet. That means you do look at him. You do not touch him or talk to him. If he keeps barking or whining, get up and leave the room. Once he’s quiet, then it’s OK to give him attention.
Other dogs will bark when they are anticipating a walk or a meal. If this is the case with your dog, make sure you do not head out the door or fill his bowl until he is quiet. If needed, ask him to sit or lie down and reward him for that behavior instead. With time, you will want to increase your expectations. For example, you will want your dog to sit quietly for five minutes instead of 10 seconds.